Bring BASCOL to Your School
If there is a need in the community for quality, licensed before and after school age child care, BASCOL is willing to open a program.
How can I get the BASCOL program in my school?
Parents and the community are the biggest advocates for getting BASCOL into schools. You can make your school administrators aware of what their families’ needs are so everyone can work together. BASCOL administrators would normally meet with the school district’s Superintendent to discuss need and program possibilities.
How does BASCOL assess the need for care?
BASCOL sends out a fact finding survey to families in the schools we would serve and asks what care is needed, before, after, both or for school vacation, ½ days, etc. Once the results are calculated, they are analyzed and a decision is made as to if a program would be viable by the BASCOL Board of Directors.
How long does the process usually take?
From the point surveys are sent out to the actual time the site opens, can take anywhere from 6 months to a year. This is because BASCOL is a licensed child care provider, so we have to be approved and inspected by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services before we can open.
Does BASCOL only open programs in a school?
No, most of BASCOL’s locations are in schools because that is the most convenient for families, but we do also operate our program in other community facilities.
Who do I contact for more information?
Please complete the following form, and we will get back to you within a couple of business days.